Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Depicting an uncomfortable date between former lovers in "Naked Lunch", Michael Hollinger employs concise characterization, scandalous euphemisms, and intentional foil in an effort to bring attention to emotionally abusive relationships in a lighthearted manner.

Poking fun at the tendency of people to place the blame on others for unpleaseant circumstances in "Suburban", John Ciardi satirizes the suburbs, exercises unusual personification and blatant sarcasm to encourage his audience to put aside their egos in order to help a neighbor and maintain peace.

Friday, February 10, 2012

That Awkward Moment

               Dancing with strangers is awkward. You’re casually navigating a sidewalk or hallway. Someone swerves into your path out of nowhere. You are a decent human being, not a rogue tornado. So you step to the side to let the stranger pass, but at the same moment, they step in the same direction. Although nothing about this incident is humorous, not even slightly, you’re compelled to exchange a friendly chuckle as you prepare to part ways.
                But then it happens again. The synchronized step, this time, it’s a lot less funny. There is an uncomfortable pause before you try again. And again. It’s beginning to feel like “The Twilight Zone.” You wonder if you’re doomed to dance with this person forever. You’ll never see your family again. Panic sets in as you frantically try to recall your last words to them. Did you tell them you loved them? Kiss them goodbye? It doesn’t matter; it’s too late. Tears run down your cheeks. This is it.